I wasn't going to post this until I've had a bit more experience with writing there, but I've had a few people ask me about writing for Examiner.com, and how they can apply.
Examiner.com is an online news and information portal that has local editions, depending on where you're located. There are individual city editions, and some cities have neighborhood editions to provide a micro-local take on their subject. Each Examiner covers a certain topic in a certain area. I'm the
Boston Scrapbooking Examiner, but there are other Scrapbooking Examiners in other cities, as well as a national Scrapbooking Examiner. Examiners report on news items that are of interest to their topic, and provide resources that readers could use. Readers can subscribe to an Examiner's feed to get email updates when new entries are posted.
Writers earn money based on page views, ad revenues, subscribers, and other factors. The exact formula is not made known, but my rough return so far has been about 9 cents for every 10 page views. It's not making me rich yet, but it can build up, and I know other Examiners who are doing quite well.
So, how do you get involved with Examiner? Go to the
Examiner web site, and scroll down to where it says "Now Recruiting in (Your Town)". Click on the link for available topics, and search through to find what you need. Scrapbooking is part of Home and Living, if you're interested in that topic. If you're not seeing your local towns, go back to the top of the page and select your edition. When you find what you're looking for, click on the SELECT link next to the topic to apply.
When you apply, there's a spot at the end of the application that allows you to enter the name of an Examiner who referred you. I'd love it if you added my name (Susan Kristoff)/Examiner number (24560), but there's no requirement to do so. I do get a referral fee of $50 if you list me as a referral and you are hired as an Examiner, so yes, there's something in it for me.
If you have any other questions, let me know!