Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Oh dear......

My poor poor neglected blog......I'm sorry to have ignored you for so long. I promise to show you more love! Really!

I've decided to create a book queue. I have so many books that I want to read, and I pick up new books here and there, flip through them occasionally, then forget about them. So, here's the current line up:

1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - yes, I am the only person on the face of the planet that has not read this series. I've had the book for months, and kept putting it off, so it's on the top of the pile. I saw the Order of the Phoenix in the theater last week, and I think that was the kick I needed to get reading.

2. Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port - technically, I don't have this book yet, it's in route from Amazon.com. However, it's next on the list as I work on my business.

3. The Sales Bible by Jeffrey Gitomer - I've already read this book, but it's one of those books that you keep reading and keep learning from. And I have lots to learn about sales and marketing.

4. Organizing From the Inside Out by Julia Morgenstern - My whole life needs organizing, and I need help.

5. Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan - Book 6 in the Wheel of Time series.


Leslie said...

You're not the only one who hasn't read the HP series. I'm one too. Maybe one of these days . . .

Nikki said...

Hey Chica...sounds like lots of good reads in your future!

kelli said...

Yeah you are back blogging, now keep it up girlfriend! I need to make a list, I just finished Eat, Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I give it a thumbs up. She had some very interesting ideas about life. I'd quote but a friend has the book right now.