Friday, July 27, 2007


It's Friday, and I have a ton of things to do today and through the weekend. I've got a list of scrap-related things a mile long, then add work-related and home-related, and I can't see the end of it. So in the interest of at least keeping my blog semi active, I'm taking a quick break to write, even though I really should be doing about 300 other things.

I started Harry Potter Book 1 yesterday. I spent about an hour in the afternoon and an hour last night, and I'm about 2/3 of the way through. I have seen the movie, so I knew the general premise, but it is fun to read all of the details that weren't included in the movie. It's a very easy read, compared to some other fantasy series I've read, but fun because I know the characters. I picked up Book 2 at BJ's the other day, and I'll be adding that onto my book queue.

I've decided, at the very last minute, that I want to enter the Memory Makers Masters contest. The entries need to be received by Tuesday. So, I have until Monday morning to get my entry done then overnighted. It's not as bad as it sounds, I have my theme layout done, 2 more definitely completed layouts, and a few others that I'm on the fence on. So I need to create a maximum of two layouts. Not sure when the heck I'm going to work on it, I'm going to my niece and nephew's birthday party tomorrow, so I need to make 2 cards and a present that I've had an idea for.

My dear friend Maryfrances, owner of Scrapbooker Online, had her 40th birthday party this week. The sistas created pages for this fabulous album that she received yesterday. You are a wicked awesome gal MF!


Leslie said...

Sue, the sistas created some awesome LOs but I LOVE what you did w/the front of the album. You just completed it all. Thanks for getting this together for MF. Very sweet!

Crafty Girl Studio said...

Sorry I missed this. Love my book very very much. You are very sweet Sue!!