I have really been neglecting my scrapbooking lately. I've been waiting until the last minute to get things done, and I'm behind on other projects. Well today, I managed to clear some of the backlog. I finished and packed two circle journals to send along to Canada, packed up four RAK's for some SBO sistas, cleaned out some of my old DT kit materials, and I even did a little organizing and floor sweeping! Of course, I now have a whole bunch of ideas I want to play around with, so it's all going to be topsy-turvy again very soon.
I did start using my art journal today, finally. It's got a sketch in it for a Memory Makers magazine call, a quote ("There are no shortcuts to anyplace worth going." - Beverly Sills), and a list of the last 6 art card prompts from Emily Falconbridge's blog that I wrote about in my previous post. I really really want to do all of them, I so love art cards!
Theoretically, next week at this time, the Memory Makers Masters will know who they are. Eeep.
Wow, you were busy!! Hope you can get to some good creating now!!
Good luck with MMM!!! It's so exciting!! It went fast, huh?
Fingers crossed Sue!! I had a good weekend two weeks ago scrapping but it had a been a long time before then and I haven't since. I hope to get a lot done at my weekend retreat this coming weekend.
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